NOTEPAD :- It is basically used for typing. For open NOTEPAD
Window +R --》》"notepad" --》》ok.
EXTENTION :- .text
(a) New:- open a new file
(b) Open:-open the saved files
(c) Save:-Save the file
(d) Save as:- Change the Name of saved files
(e) Page set up:-Set the margin of the page
(f) print:-Convert soft key into hard copy
(g) Exit:-exit from notepad
(a) Undo :-Reverse the last action.
(b) Cut :-Used for cut the Selection and put in on the clipboard.
(C) Copy :-for copy the object.
(d) Past :-Used for paste the object.
(e) Delete :-delete the select text.
(f) Find :-Used for find the text in the file.
(g) Find Next :-Find the next text.
(h)Replace :- Used for replace the text.
(I) GO TO :- Used for go to Particular line.
(j) Select all :- Select all the text.
(k)Time/Date :-Show the time/Date.
(a) Word wrap :- Take the text in one line.
(b) Font :-Change the style of the text.